Sunday, September 5, 2010

Flash Banner

When we were told to look for a flash banner, I had the perfect one in mind. I remember going to espn’s website once and seeing this ad from Apple. All of a sudden, the menu started moving with the ad. I thought it was one of the coolest ads I’ve ever seen. By the end of this class, I hope I can do something even in the slightest bit like this.
Some things I noticed was that (obviously) the flash ad goes outside of it’s boundaries and alters the ESPN website. The company that made the ad and ESPN I would think had some contact with each other to set this up. Ads like these add a new level of depth to the banner, and it is near impossible not to notice when one visits the website. I find some banner ads to be obtrusive and annoying, but when something different comes along like this, I feel like people wouldn’t mind at all. This is one of the types of skills I hope to develop in this class.

1 comment:

  1. I was really blown away by this ad. It was more interactive with the website than users, but it was done so in such an effective way that it really catches attention. It was really fun to watch!
